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Tag: rice

Veggie Fried Rice with Baked Tofu

Veggie Fried Rice with Baked Tofu

Growing up in South East Asia, I absolutely loved the local food and one of my favourites was a mock-meat ham fried rice. Clearly the Malaysians were well ahead with their vegan food offerings! I had a hankering for that smoky fried rice recently so decided to make my own veggie fried rice with some gorgeous baked tofu on the side. Super easy to make and just the tiniest bit of forward planning.

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Spinach Dal

Spinach Dal

When I first started university (many moons ago), I was leaving home without ever having cooked a proper meal. That A* pizza from Year 8 did not count … Anyway one of the only recipes my mother insisted I wrote down was a classic palak (spinach) dal, an essential comfort food if there ever was one. Even though most Indians will tell you dal is not a ‘treat’ meal, it was definitely one I always looked forward to growing up and still continue to have at least once a week. You can’t go wrong with a bowl of dal and rice!

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